Sustain the Ability for the Greatest Potential

 Barley sourcing plays a major role when it comes to the sustainability of the malting chain. The concept of sustainability is simply to sustain the ability for society, its members and its economies to meet their needs and express their greatest potential in present, while preserving biodiversity and natural ecosystems ideal also for the future generations. When we talk about sustainability, we should think globally and act locally to support the goals.

For us Local Sourcing is the Key

Viking Malt is involved in purchasing locally grown malting barley. With local sourcing, we commit to sustaining a long-term partner for the local farmers to ensure them an Sustainability picability to develop their businesses in the long run. We ask them to pay attention to environmentally friendly practices in their field operations to sustain the field ecosystem’s greatest potential also for the future. We promote direct barley deliveries without any extra freights and as is quite often the case with sustainable actions, they are not only good for the nature, but also economically viable.

To get the best possible outcome from the inputs while maintaining the productivity of the soil and not harming the surroundings is the key for the sustainable farming. Using modern, high yielding malting barley varieties without sacrificing quality is one of the major actions. Good co-operation with fertilizer companies, producers of plant protection agents and farming advisors will result in sustainable crop nutrition and plant protection solutions that support farmer profitability through crop knowledge, quality and productivity. The control of input use and the improved quality of the malting barley yield with preservative use of soil are meeting the criteria of sustainable soil usage.

Crop Rotation and Best Farming Practices in Use

Crop rotation is important for improving the productivity of the soil and spring barley plays a conducive part in the rotation. In addition, demand for organic malt and growing of organic malting barley have increased especially during the last few years, which gives positive variation to the arable land use and farming technics. Best farming practices are introduced to the farmers in Viking Malt countries, for example through the “New plot program” in Lithuania, “IQ Malt” in Sweden and through close, direct contact with farmers in Poland and Finland.

Reduced Emissions give Smaller Carbon Footprint

At Viking Malt, we are asking our suppliers actively to work to reduce emissions into the air, soil and water, and to make more efficient use of natural resources. We are interested in information needed for calculation of carbon footprint in the barley-beer chain. Still, sustainability is not only about the nature. It is also about sustaining the activity of humans, including the support and respect human and labour rights, and the health and safety of employees inside Viking Malt Group and with our stakeholders.